Thursday, March 27, 2008

Scared shitless

I have been getting positive tests since Monday (10dpo). ME!!!! I know! Wtf?!?!? Have been crapping myself ever since, had a friend come bearing more tests and watch them come up + with me - a true friend happily inspects your wee sticks. My BT is not until Monday, so I went to my GP today and pleaded my case and she ordered bloods for me. They came back at 70, a good number for 13dpo. I truly feel I am dreaming, could this really happen for ME? I am utterly terrified. I cant stop thinking negative things and then beating myself up for it. people are saying go easy, its a big deal to process after 4 years of never getting close. Its true, but man... I didn't expect to be this scared. So, next bloods Monday, looking for a number of about 280. PLEASE.


Kylie @ She Smiles said...

Best news I have heard all day lovely. Fingers, toes, everything crossed for wonderful numbers on Monday.


Bec said...

You know how happy I am for you hon. This is just amazing news xxx

jp said...

That's great news!!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Congratulations! I will keep my fingers crossed for that next beta.

JW Moxie said...

That's wonderful news and a pretty beta for 13dpo!

Anonymous said...

Great news! I know it's scary, too. Thinking positive thoughts for you!

judy said...


MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

CONGRATS ON THE BFP!!!! I know *exactly* how you feel, I know its hard but just try to breathe! =) Yaaaaay!!

beautycourage said...

Great news!!!

Evil Stepmonster said...

ohhhh best wishes for great numbers on monday. congrats!

KirstenM said...

Oh congratulations Kel and best wishes for Monday. I can only imagine how terrified you must be. Keeping everything crossed for you!